Most people think that power strip is the same electrical product as surge protector but the fact is, it is not true, even if they both look similar. Going through the below written content will give you a knowledge about the main difference between these two and will enable you to take the right decision.
The Power Strip
It is a block of electrical sockets, which attaches to the end of flexible cable, letting multiple electrical items to get power from single socket. We need power strips when several devices are in proximity like video, audio, appliances, computer system, lighting and power tools.
The capacity of the device differs from one type to another. Usually, the least number of outlets it has is two. And, some of the types can accommodate around twenty devices at once. Indeed, function of power strip is necessary; however, there is a certain limit of its performance.
Surge Protector
A surge protector is a device or appliance to protect the electrical products from voltage spikes. It tries to limit voltage supply to the device by shorting to ground or blocking any unwanted voltages above safe threshold.
Voltage spikes or increase can be caused by power outages, lightning strikes, short circuits, tripped circuit breakers, etc. The surge protector will detect when the voltage is about to increase and then divert extra voltage to ground wire. In this way, none of your electronic products will be harmed.
Price Gap
Due to more benefits provided by surge protector, it is little more expensive than power strip. Yet, it is not steeply priced and is a worthy deal, especially if you are residing in locations that are prone to power tripping, bolts of lightning and other electrical deterrents.
In all, if you are using UPS with some of your sensitive devices, reside in an area with no voltage spikes issue and you want to save your bucks then you can go for power strip as well. But if you do not find yourself in the aforementioned situation then it would definitely be logical to buy surge protector to ignore any unwanted expenditure on repairing of electrical products.
Checkout power strips, to find 3+1, 4+1, 4+4, 6+1, 8+1 of various brands like Anchor, Cona, GM, Philips and many more.